To do
Articles in this section
- Tuning ClusterControl for Large Deployment
- Creating Slave Cluster ( Cluster 2 Cluster replication)
- Add an Existing PostgreSQL Cluster (Master & Slave)
- How to lock/pin the installed ClusterControl version
- Host already in another Cluster
- Troubleshooting Slow Performing ClusterControl UI
- Nagios Plugin
- HOWTO: Fix missing clustercontrol web directories after an apt/yum upgrade
- Add Existing Cluster
- Restore Controller to Default Settings
This may seem trivial, I am still becoming more acquainted with Galera and MySQL - but could you also do the following command to change passwords for root and cmon respectively?
mysqladmin –u root –p’password’ password NEWPASSWORD
mysqladmin –u cmon –p’password’ password NEWPASSWORD
I'm just trying to think of ways to be able to do this with less keystrokes and want to make sure that these two operations (The ones you listed) and the ones I just listed, do the same thing.
Thank you,
~/s9s-admin/ccadmin# ./s9s_change_passwd --cmon -i1 -ncmon2
load opts 1
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'cmon'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'cmon'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'cmon'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'cmon'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'cmon'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'cmon'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'cmon'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
Failed: load opts failed
have you pulled the latest?
It is connecting to:
and that is granted by default if you have used the deployment package.
Best regards
the git command is incorrect. You are missing a "clone" command
git clone git://
cd s9s-admin/ccadmin/
you should change the default password to new secure passwords, default cmon password is 'cmon' no quotes
./s9s_change_passwd --cmon -i1 -p <current cmon password> -n <new cmon password>
Also, change database roots password. Dont get it confused with the system's root, but just as important. the default password for dbs root is 'password' yep... no joke, no quotes
./s9s_change_passwd --root -i1 -p <cmon password> -o <old root password> -n <new root password>
Will changing the password for the cluster cause any interruption?
No, but i recommend that you stop cmon before changing.
Also, i will revise this script.
If you can I would rather see that you do:
UPDATE mysql.user SET password=PASSWORD('NEW_PASS') WHERE user='USER'
** Change user 'cmon' password
If you have change the password for USER='cmon', then change on the CONTROLLER and on the DB NODES.
If you have many clusters in one cmon controller you must issue the UPDATE/FLUSH on all nodes.
Update the /etc/cmon.d/cmon_X.cnf files and /etc/cmon.cnf file and change:
** Change user 'root' password
If you have change the password for USER='root', then change on the CONTROLLER and on the DB NODES.
Update the /etc/cmon.d/cmon_X.cnf file (matching the cluster) and /etc/cmon.cnf file and change:
IF you use GALERA, then you want to edit my.cnf on the DB NODEs and make sure "wsrep_sst_auth" is set correctly.
Also do a SET GLOBAL wsrep_sst_auth=root:NEWPASS
Finally start the cmon process again:
service cmon start
ok, just one clarifcation.
i am changing my root password and i understand that part for ** Change user 'root' password onward
but for changing root do i need to do this? or does the set global cover it?
If you can I would rather see that you do:
UPDATE mysql.user SET password=PASSWORD('NEW_PASS') WHERE user='USER'
You need to do on all nodes (if you are using galera it should be enough on only one node as it will be distributed):
UPDATE mysql.user SET password=PASSWORD('NEW_PASS') WHERE user='root'
If you are using Galera:
SET GLOBAL wsrep_sst_auth=root:NEWPASS
And set in my.cnf
And in /etc/cmon.cnf or in /etc/cmon.d/cmon_X.cnf (X depending on which of the cmon.cnf files that are matching your cluster), set:
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