

  • Total activity 35
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Votes on activity by Laurent Sort by votes Recent activity Votes
  • Cluster Control stability

    Hi, Currently wondering if there is some real interest for us to keep Cluster Control because of its poor stability, at the moment I'm a bit disappointed about the product, I know this is Open Sour...

  • Cluster Control restart node when a manual stop is done

    Hi, Do you have any plan or current existing setting to avoid a Galera node being restarted by Cluster Control when this node was manually stopped for any reasons by the admin ?This to avoid some p...

  • 32 bits version ?

    Hi, I'm seeing new versions 1.1.26 (cmon-1.1.26-64bit-glibc23-mc70.tar.gz) and 1.1.27 (cmon-1.1.27-64bit-glibc23-mc70.tar.gz) but where are the 32 bits versions please as I do not have 64 bits supp...

  • Replication status always in red status ?

    Hi, Was wondering if the replication status shown on page statistics.php?id=1&host=|3306&view=mysqld (available through graphs link for a node) should show something different from red l...

  • cmon cron job too slow !

    Hi, Coming with Cluster Control Monitor is a cron job setup under /etc/cron.d/cmon, this one is defaultly ran each 5 minutes.After some problems occurs on the machine hosting Cluster Control Monito...