Manuel Blechschmidt
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Yeah. cmon is also working. Seams that I am only allowed to see one node.
32bit ami-973b06e3
wrong browser windows should be part of:
32bit ami-973b06e3
The paths to the cmon rpm files in the i386 packages are also not correctly anymore. Here are the correct ones:
Sometimes the mysql_password appeared in plaintext. My password contains a $ which also screws up the installation process :-)
Further the mysql password should be quoted in remote_cmd_nosudo ${host} "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$libdir:$libdir/mysql $bindir/mysql --defaults-file=$installconfigpath/my.cnf -uroot -p$my...
Adding nohup to the in the following line: remote_cmd ${host} "nohup $libexec/ndb_mgmd --ndb-nodeid=${nodeid} -c \"$host:1186\" -f $configini --configdir=/etc// --reload --initial"...
Here is a strace showing what the sshd daemon is doing: $ ssh -q -t -i/home/ec2-user/ClusterSSHKey/manuelblechschmidt.pem ec2-user@ "sudo /usr/sbin//ndb_mgmd --ndb-nodeid=1 -c "10.48.98...
Just for reference here is my config.ini. I am using only two machines on EC2 (small. I am a poor guy ;-) ) mysql_password='*******'cmon_password='*******'cmon_monitor=''mysql_port=3306p...