Nextcloud cluster question


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    Ashraf Sharif

    Yes, you are spot on. Redis was configured as a standalone in that blog post. For production setup, it should be configured with HA, but it was not the focus at that time. 

    Starting from v1.9.0, ClusterControl supports Redis replication with Sentinel, available in ClusterControl GUI v2. If you would like to use Redis Sentinel, take note that ClusterControl only supports one database type/role per node. If you follow the architecture diagram in the blog post, the 3-node Redis Sentinel has to be deployed on a set of new hosts. You can't co-locate them within Percona XtraDB Cluster or ProxySQL hosts, since these hosts are already part of another cluster. Alternatively, you may co-locate Redis within NextCloud + GlusterFS hosts, and deploy Percona XtraDB Cluster on a new set of hosts.

    If you intend to use "localhost" for Redis, you have to use Redis Cluster, not Redis Sentinel. That means you have to set up your Redis Cluster manually. I am not sure if NextCloud supports Redis Sentinel (commonly, the DB client/connector will figure out the replication topology from Sentinel before connecting to the right Redis master).


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