ProxySQL deploy failed on Debian 11 node
I am getting following error when trying to deploy proxySQL on debian 11 HA nodes.
I am following this page to deploy Galera cluster, all nodes are running Debian 11.
What should i do to correct it?
Thank you.
[21:51:24]:Load balancer management job failed.
[21:51:24]:Stopping job. Could not setup load balancer on host:
[21:51:24]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Failed to install ProxySql
[21:51:23]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: stopping 'proxysql' service.
[21:51:23]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>:6032: Installation failed, stopping ProxySql if it is running.
[21:51:23]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Package 'percona-server-client-5.7' not found after installation.
[21:51:23]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Package <strong style='color: #110679;'>percona-server-client-5.7</strong> is not installed.
[21:51:23]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Verifying the <strong style='color: #110679;'>percona-server-client-5.7</strong> installation.
[21:51:22]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Output W: --force-yes is deprecated, use one of the options starting with --allow instead.
E: Unable to locate package percona-server-client-5.7
E: Couldn't find any package by glob 'percona-server-client-5.7'
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'percona-server-client-5.7'
[21:51:22]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Command was <strong style='color: orange;'>DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive LC_ALL=C apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confnew' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confmiss' -qq -y --force-yes install percona-server-client-5.7 2>&1</strong>.
[21:51:22]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Execution failed with return code 100.
[21:51:21]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Output W: --force-yes is deprecated, use one of the options starting with --allow instead.
E: Unable to locate package percona-server-client-5.7
E: Couldn't find any package by glob 'percona-server-client-5.7'
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'percona-server-client-5.7'
[21:51:21]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Command was <strong style='color: orange;'>DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive LC_ALL=C apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confnew' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confmiss' -qq -y --force-yes install percona-server-client-5.7 2>&1</strong>.
[21:51:21]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Execution failed with return code 100.
[21:51:20]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: No mysql client found. Installing.
[21:51:20]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Checking if 'mysql' is installed.
[21:51:20]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Finished with helper packages.
[21:51:19]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>libssl1.1</strong>.
[21:51:18]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>apt-transport-https</strong>.
[21:51:17]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>openssl</strong>.
[21:51:16]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>libatomic1</strong>.
[21:51:15]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>tar</strong>.
[21:51:15]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>iproute2</strong>.
[21:51:14]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>bzip2</strong>.
[21:51:13]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>libmecab2</strong>.
[21:51:12]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>libnuma1</strong>.
[21:51:11]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>pigz</strong>.
[21:51:10]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>curl</strong>.
[21:51:09]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>wget</strong>.
[21:51:09]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>lsb-release</strong>.
[21:51:08]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>socat</strong>.
[21:51:07]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>netcat-openbsd</strong>.
[21:51:06]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>netcat</strong>.
[21:51:05]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>libaio1</strong>.
[21:51:04]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>rsync</strong>.
[21:51:04]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>psmisc</strong>.
[21:51:01]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Installing helper packages.
[21:50:57]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Detected Vendor: <strong style='color: #59a449;'>debian</strong>, Release: <strong style='color: #59a449;'>bullseye</strong>, Release Name: <strong style='color: #59a449;'>bullseye</strong>
[21:50:57]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Installing ProxySql package: 'proxysql2'.
[21:50:57]:Including for loadbalancing.
[21:50:57]:Including for loadbalancing.
[21:50:57]:Including for loadbalancing.
[21:50:54]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Checking firewall.
[21:50:54]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Disabling firewall.
[21:50:52]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Disabling SELinux/Apparmor.
[21:50:51]:Setting up ProxySql version 2.
[21:50:51]:Checking job parameters.
[21:50:51]:Starting proxysql.setupproxysql job.
[21:50:51]:Manage proxysql load-balancer (action: setupproxysql).
[21:50:51]:The username is '<strong style='color: #59a449;'>ansible</strong>'.
[21:50:51]:Cluster ID is 1.
[21:50:51]:Using SSH credentials from cluster.
[21:50:51]:CMON version <strong style='color: #59a449;'></strong>.
Job spec:
"command": "proxysql",
"job_data": {
"action": "setupProxySql",
"admin_password": "9VsnJE@pro",
"admin_user": "proxysql-admin",
"clusterId": "1",
"db_database": "*.*",
"db_password": null,
"db_privs": "",
"db_username": null,
"disable_firewall": true,
"disable_selinux": true,
"listening_port": 6033,
"monitor_password": "9VsnJE@pro",
"monitor_user": "proxysql-monitor",
"use_clustering": false,
"use_rw_split": false,
"version": 2,
"node": {
"hostname": "",
"port": 6032
"node_addresses": [
"hostname": "",
"max_connection": 100,
"max_replication_lag": 10,
"port": 3306,
"weight": 1
"hostname": "",
"max_connection": 100,
"max_replication_lag": 10,
"port": 3306,
"weight": 1
"hostname": "",
"max_connection": 100,
"max_replication_lag": 10,
"port": 3306,
"weight": 1
ProxySQL deployment requires a mysql client, as in this case, the provider is percona-server-client-5.7. The following lines tell us more about why the installation failed:
[21:51:23]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Package 'percona-server-client-5.7' not found after installation.
[21:51:23]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Package <strong style='color: #110679;'>percona-server-client-5.7</strong> is not installed.
[21:51:23]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Verifying the <strong style='color: #110679;'>percona-server-client-5.7</strong> installation.
[21:51:22]:<em style='color: #c0392b;'></em>: Output W: --force-yes is deprecated, use one of the options starting with --allow instead.
E: Unable to locate package percona-server-client-5.7
E: Couldn't find any package by glob 'percona-server-client-5.7'
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'percona-server-client-5.7'In Debian 11, the Percona Server client 5.7package is not available in the main repo, and you have to enable the testing repo manually.
Anyway, if the problem still persists, do create a support ticket so we can look further into the problem and assist you.
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