What's the preferred approach to upgrade the MariaDB nodes?



  • Official comment
    Krzysztof Ksiazek


    While ClusterControl can upgrade minor versions of the databases, major version upgrades are intentionality not supported. This is not a process you should just run without proper preparations. The upgrade process, typically, is explained in MariaDB documentation. For example: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/upgrading-from-mariadb-101-to-mariadb-102/. You have to find the documentation relevant to what you want to do. It might be that the upgrade path will be 10.1 -> 10.2 -> 10.3. You should properly test your application on the new version to avoid possible incompatibilities. Major version upgrades are definitely more time consuming and you should take your time to prepare for it and verify that upgrade will not break your environment.

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    Schippers Dirk

    I understand. But how will CluCo react when a server suddenly runs on 10.2 instead of 10.1? Do I need to take precautions on the CluCo side?

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    Krzysztof Ksiazek


    Not really, it does not make a difference. You should be just fine after the upgrade to one of the supported MariaDB versions.

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