ClusterControl Daily digest is almost never generated and sometimes I receive an empty email with subject =?UTF8?Q??=
Does anyone else have this? I configured emails so that a daily digest should be sent to my mailbox, but it almost never arrives.
And sometimes, I receive an email with subject =?UTF8?Q??= and the body of the email is empty.
Anyone else has this? Is there a solution?
Official comment
We have just released clustercontrol-controller-1.7.4-3541 which contains fix for this issue. Please upgrade to the latest version and let us know if you the problem still persists.
AshrafComment actions -
Hi Dirk,
We haven't encountered such issue. Would you share a bit of your mail server configuration so we can try to reproduce this?
From cmon_X.log (where X is cluster ID), you should see the following line if ClusterControl manages to send out an email:
2019-11-01T07:22:45.007Z : (INFO) Mail Server: Got 250 (ok): '250 OK id=1iQRGd-00DNhx-Fy'
Do you have any access to the mail server log? You can use the mail ID retrieved from cmon_X.log and use it to track the mail in the mail server log.
Ashraf -
Also, if I look at the cmon - logs and search for Mails being sent, there is no daily log line for sending the digest mails, where CluCo is configured to send a daily digest mail...
$ cat /var/log/cmon_2.log* | grep Mail | grep '2019-11-05' -> 2019-11-05T07:00:27.344-01:00 : (INFO) Mail Server: Got 250 (ok): '250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 43E8BE04B9'
$ cat /var/log/cmon_2.log* | grep Mail | grep '2019-11-04' -> no results
$ cat /var/log/cmon_2.log* | grep Mail | grep '2019-11-03' -> no results
$ cat /var/log/cmon_2.log* | grep Mail | grep '2019-11-02' -> no results
$ cat /var/log/cmon_2.log* | grep Mail | grep '2019-11-01' -> no results
Daily digest has been configured for months (problem has always been there)
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