

  • Official comment
    Krzysztof Ksiazek


    At this moment this is not yet supported by the ClusterControl. The simplest check you can use would be to test:

    "SELECT pg_is_in_recovery()" for slave and "SHOW transaction_read_only" for master. Master should not be read_only, obviously.

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    Paul Namuag

    Hi Fontana,


    You're right. The backup we use in ClusterControl are for all database backup including its objects. Otherwise, you'll try to use pg_dump running it manually to cover only one database when creating a backup.

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    Peter Severin Rasmussen

    Is there no way to do this via the controller?

    Of course it is possible with a home-made backup-script in cron, but how does the script know which host is master and slave at any given point?

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