ClusterControl across multiple datacenters



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    Pon Suresh Pandian

    Hi Ernest,

    Actually this is a high level schematic architecture diagram, it does not cover all of the subtle details. obviously, you cannot do NAT with the same port across all of the nodes. So you need to configure firewall on all of the database nodes.

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    Ernest McCloskey

    Took a bit of fiddling but I managed to learn how to setup a Multi Site N2N VPN that allowed me to do what I was looking for.  For anyone interested in Multi Site N2N VPN, I found that I could not get it to work with IPFire (probably a lack of understanding of the config files and what "Global Settings" means).  PFSense however, worked flawlessly and they even have a nice tutorial on how to setup SSL/TLS versus just using the publickey method.

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