Reinstall Node on Community Version



  • Official comment
    Severalnines Support

    Hello Jortiz,

    The easiest would be to de-register the current setup from ClusterControl, do the topology changes you need to do on your nodes, and then re-import the new cluster.

    If you are looking at the enterprise version to manage the setup, let us know and we'll have an account manager get in touch with you.

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    Hello Support thank for you,

    The activities would be:

    1. Deregister Cluster from UI
    2. Import Existing Server / Cluster
    3. Add both servers to the new Cluster, but in this step I can not configure which of the two nodes will be the slave, I do not see any option.

    The Add Replication Slave option does not work in this version? my plan was simply to add back the slave server since the master is working correctly.

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