New deploy
Try to deploy a cluster and I get this error right away
Hi Darnell,
Can you attach the full deployment job here? Go to ClusterControl -> Activity -> Job -> pick up the failed job -> Full Job Details. Copy & paste the Job Specs and Job Messages underneath it.
Just a reminder that this is a public forum. If you are concerned about the privacy (the Job Messages/Specs might contain sensitive data like passwords), you can submit a support request at Create Support Request and attach the requested information there. Otherwise, you can mask the passwords before send it here.
Ashraf -
[15:34:13]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: failed to setup MySql server
[15:34:13]:Adding existing cluster has failed.
[15:34:13]:Couldn't determine the datadir on 'db1:3306' connect (from, failed for user 'cmon': Can't connect to MySQL server on 'db1' (111) (errno: 2003) (errno: 2003)
[15:34:10]:Connection failure to db1:3306: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'db1' (111) (errno: 2003) (errno 2003)
[15:34:06]:Connection failure to db1:3306: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'db1' (111) (errno: 2003) (errno 2003)
[15:34:02]:Connection failure to db1:3306: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'db1' (111) (errno: 2003) (errno 2003)
[15:33:58]:Connection failure to db1:3306: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'db1' (111) (errno: 2003) (errno 2003)
[15:33:53]:Connection failure to db1:3306: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'db1' (111) (errno: 2003) (errno 2003)
[15:33:49]:Connection failure to db1:3306: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'db1' (111) (errno: 2003) (errno 2003)
[15:33:45]:Connection failure to db1:3306: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'db1' (111) (errno: 2003) (errno 2003)
[15:33:41]:Connection failure to db1:3306: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'db1' (111) (errno: 2003) (errno 2003)
[15:33:37]:Connection failure to db1:3306: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'db1' (111) (errno: 2003) (errno 2003)
[15:33:33]:Connection failure to db1:3306: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'db1' (111) (errno: 2003) (errno 2003)
[15:33:32]:Determining data directories.
[15:33:30]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: granting 'backupuser'.
[15:33:29]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: granting cmon.
[15:33:29]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Node is synced.
[15:33:28]:Granting controller (
[15:33:28]:Controller '' could not be resolved. Probably already a valid FQDN.
[15:33:28]:Checking if resolve of '' is needed, and attempting to resolve to a hostname
[15:33:27]:Detected that <strong style='color: #59a449;'>skip_name_resolve</strong> is not used on the target server(s).
[15:33:27]:Check SELinux statuses.
[15:33:27]:Using sudo password for further communication.
[15:33:27]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Access with ssh/sudo granted.
[15:33:26]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Checking ssh/sudo.
[15:33:26]:Checking that nodes are not in another cluster.
[15:33:26]:Found in total 1 nodes.
[15:33:26]:Found node: '<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>'
[15:33:26]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: wsrep_node_address=<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>
[15:33:26]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Checking wsrep_node_address.
[15:33:26]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Creating and starting a cluster using first node.
[15:33:25]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Verifying the MySQL user/password.
[15:33:25]:Adding existing MySQL cluster.
[15:33:25]:Verifying controller host and cmon password.
[15:33:25]:Adding cluster with type '<strong style='color: #59a449;'>galera</strong>', vendor '<strong style='color: #59a449;'>mariadb</strong>'.
[15:33:20]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Executing SET GLOBAL rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled=1
[15:33:20]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Executing INSTALL PLUGIN rpl_semi_sync_slave SONAME '';
[15:33:19]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Executing SET GLOBAL rpl_semi_sync_master_timeout =1000
[15:33:19]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Executing SET GLOBAL rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled=1
[15:33:18]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Executing INSTALL PLUGIN rpl_semi_sync_master SONAME '';
[15:33:18]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Secured installation.
[15:33:18]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Executing FLUSH PRIVILEGES
[15:33:17]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Executing DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS test
[15:33:16]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Executing DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User='root' AND Password=''
[15:33:16]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Executing DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User='root' AND Host NOT IN ('localhost', '', '::1')
[15:33:15]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Executing DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User=''
[15:33:14]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Securing installation.
[15:33:14]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: MySQL is installed and started.
[15:33:07]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Setting the MySQL root password.
[15:33:07]:db1: Server responded to 'mysqldadmin ping'
[15:33:07]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: service status: SUCCESS! MariaDB running (669)
[15:33:07]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Started MySQL daemon.
[15:33:02]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: This may take a while to initialize.
[15:33:02]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: (service='mysql', vendor='mariadb', OS=['centos', '6.9']).
[15:33:02]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Starting MySQL daemon.
[15:33:02]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Searching and removing '<em style='color: #007e18;'>/root/.my.cnf</em>'.
[15:33:01]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Searching and removing '<em style='color: #007e18;'>/usr/my.cnf</em>'.
[15:33:01]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Installed MySQL system tables.
[15:32:52]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Installing MySQL system tables.
[15:32:51]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Uploading the generated <em style='color: #007e18;'>my.cnf</em>.
[15:32:49]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Preparation of the MySQL configuration file.
[15:32:49]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: <strong style='color: #110679;'>percona-xtrabackup</strong> 2.4 is installed.
[15:32:49]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Verifying the <strong style='color: #110679;'>xtrabackup</strong> installation.
[15:32:47]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Verifying the MySQL installation.
[15:31:24]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>percona-xtrabackup-24</strong>.
[15:31:24]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>percona-toolkit</strong>.
[15:31:24]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>MariaDB-backup</strong>.
[15:31:24]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>MariaDB-common.x86_64</strong>.
[15:31:24]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>MariaDB-compat.x86_64</strong>.
[15:31:24]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>galera</strong>.
[15:31:24]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>MariaDB-client.x86_64</strong>.
[15:31:24]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>MariaDB-server.x86_64</strong>.
[15:31:24]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #59a449;'>mariadb</strong> (<strong style='color: #59a449;'>galera</strong>) on <strong style='color: #59a449;'>redhat</strong>.
[15:31:24]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Installing the MySQL packages.
[15:31:23]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Prepare MySQL environment (user/group).
[15:31:23]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Cleaning old MySql packages: No Match for argument: MySQL*
No Match for argument: mysql*
No Match for argument: mysql
No Match for argument: Percona*
No Match for argument: mariadb*
warning: erase unlink of /usr/lib64/ failed: No such file or directory
warning: erase unlink of /usr/lib64/ failed: No such file or directory
warning: /etc/my.cnf saved as /etc/my.cnf.rpmsave[15:31:12]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Removing old MySQL packages from the host.
[15:31:06]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Using external repositories.
[15:31:06]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Total disk space: 44732 MB.
[15:31:06]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Detected free disk space: 35490 MB.
[15:31:06]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Checking free-disk space of '<em style='color: #0b33b5;'>/var/lib/mysql</em>'.
[15:31:06]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Detected memory: 7872 MB.
[15:31:05]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Detecting total memory.
[15:31:05]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: <strong style='color: #59a449;'>mysql_server_id</strong> is not specified in the job, using '1'.
[15:31:05]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Using template '<em style='color: #007e18;'>my.cnf.galera</em>'.
[15:31:05]:Cluster type is '<strong style='color: #59a449;'>galera</strong>'.
[15:31:05]:Not using <strong style='color: #59a449;'>skip_name_resolve</strong>, as there is a hostname in the servers list.
[15:31:05]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Verifying helper packages (checking '<strong style='color: #110679;'>socat</strong>').
[15:31:05]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Finished with helper packages.
[15:31:03]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Upgrading <strong style='color: #110679;'>openssl</strong>.
[15:31:00]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>openssl</strong>.
[15:30:58]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>tar</strong>.
[15:30:54]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>iproute2</strong>.
[15:30:53]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>bzip2</strong>.
[15:30:51]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>pigz</strong>.
[15:30:50]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>gnupg2</strong>.
[15:30:48]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>curl</strong>.
[15:30:47]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>wget</strong>.
[15:30:45]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>libevent</strong>.
[15:30:44]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>libaio</strong>.
[15:30:42]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>rsync</strong>.
[15:30:41]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>psmisc</strong>.
[15:30:39]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>perl-Data-Dumper-Names</strong>.
[15:30:37]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>which</strong>.
[15:30:33]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>perl-Data-Dumper</strong>.
[15:30:31]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>socat</strong>.
[15:30:30]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>nc</strong>.
[15:30:27]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>netcat</strong>.
[15:30:25]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing <strong style='color: #110679;'>net-tools</strong>.
[15:30:21]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Upgrading ca-certificates.
[15:30:18]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Upgrading nss.
[15:30:18]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Installing helper packages.
[15:30:18]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Setting <strong style='color: #59a449;'>vm.swappiness</strong> = 1.
[15:30:18]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Tuning OS parameters.
[15:30:18]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Flushing iptables.
[15:30:17]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Disabling iptables.
[15:30:17]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Checking firewall.
[15:30:17]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: vendor='centos' release='6' type='redhat'.
[15:30:17]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Checking SELinux status (<strong style='color: #59a449;'>enabled</strong> = false).
[15:30:16]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Check and disable AppArmor.
[15:30:16]:Calling job: setupServer(<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306).
[15:30:16]:<em style='color: #f3990b;'>db3</em>:3306: Checking if host already exists in another cluster.
[15:30:16]:<em style='color: #c49854;'>db2</em>:3306: Checking if host already exists in another cluster.
[15:30:15]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>:3306: Checking if host already exists in another cluster.
[15:30:15]:All 3 hosts are accessible by SSH.
[15:30:15]:Using sudo password for further communication.
[15:30:15]:<em style='color: #f3990b;'>db3</em>: Access with ssh/sudo granted.
[15:30:15]:<em style='color: #c49854;'>db2</em>: Access with ssh/sudo granted.
[15:30:15]:<em style='color: #f39c12;'>db1</em>: Access with ssh/sudo granted.
[15:30:15]:Checking ssh/sudo on 3 hosts.
[15:30:15]:Verifying job parameters.
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