Adding an existing cluster after setting up CC a standalone docker: error "Couldn't determine the datadir on"
I've installed CC as a docker container (linked to a mysql db containers) according to example:
The only difference is I didn't use the range for my "db-cluster" docker network as it conflicts with my existing ranges.
So I picked with the master living on and db containers as -
Installation went fine and I can bring up the CC page and set my user.
Next step: I'm trying to add an existing Galera (Percona Xtradb 5.6) cluster.
The ssh part works fine. The setup, however fails with the following errors (reverse-chronologically):
- [11:22:35]: Adding existing cluster has failed.
- [11:22:35]: Couldn't determine the datadir on '' connect (from, failed for user 'cmon': Access denied for user 'cmon'@'' (using password: YES) (errno: 1045) (errno: 1045)
- [11:22:31]: Granting controller 'cmon'@'' on '' (host was not allowed to connect).
- [11:22:26]: Granting controller 'cmon'@'' on '' (host was not allowed to connect).
The grants seem to be fine on my DB host: I'm able, for example to execute from inside my clustercontrol container:
root@utils01:~# docker exec -it clustercontrol /bin/bash
[root@clustercontrol /]# mysql -ucmon -h192.168.10.62 -p***** -e "show global variables like 'datadir'"
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
| Variable_name | Value |
| datadir | /var/lib/mysql/ |
Any suggestions anyone?
Hi Ted,
Looking at the error lines:
Couldn't determine the datadir on '' connect (from, failed for user 'cmon': Access denied for user 'cmon'@'' (using password: YES) (errno: 1045) (errno: 1045)
On ClusterControl container, what is the output of "ifconfig" or "ip a"? And also please send me the output of the following statement from ClusterControl container:
$ mysql -ucmon -h192.168.10.62 -p***** -e "select user,host from mysql.user"
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