HTTP/1.1 403 Access denied
Upgraded Cluster Control to v 1.4 on Debian using APT repo. After that I got 2 error messages and web page all time is displaying "Loading...".
How can I fix it?
1) "Error Authentication required on '/1/auth'."
2) "Error HTTP/1.1 403 Access denied"
Hi Aigars,
It looks like the UI doesn't have permission to access the backend RPC interface. Inside /etc/cmon.cnf, do you see the following line?
And inside /var/www/html/clustercontrol/bootstrap.php, do you see the following line?
Ensure both lines are holding the same value.
Then, inside /etc/cmon.d/cmon_1.cnf, ensure the rpc_key value inside this file is the same with the one inside dcps database:
select cluster_id,token from dcps.clusters;
Hi Aigars,
No, I didn't. It looks like you were running on 1.2.x and straightly upgraded to 1.4. Our upgrade instructions are available at .
There are some steps that you've missed prior to the major upgrade. If you look at the provided link on step 2 (2a to 2e), ClusterControl requires to have minimal configuration inside /etc/cmon.cnf and the actual cluster configuration (cluster id 1 as in your case) should be located inside /etc/cmon.d/cmon_1.cnf.
Since the upgrade is already done, here is what you should do to fix it (as root):
mkdir /etc/cmon.d
cp /etc/cmon.cnf /etc/cmon.d/cmon_1.cnfInside /etc/cmon.cnf, leave the following lines and delete the rest:
mysql_port=<value> mysql_password=<value> mysql_hostname=<value> hostname=<value>
Copy the CMON_TOKEN value inside /var/www/html/cmonapi/config/bootstrap.php and append it as rpc_key into /etc/cmon.cnf, for example:
mysql_port=<value> mysql_password=<value> mysql_hostname=<value> hostname=<value>
rpc_key=<same as CMON_TOKEN value>Then, add the same rpc_key line into /etc/cmon.d/cmon_1.cnf:
rpc_key=<same as CMON_TOKEN value>
And update the value inside dcps schema on ClusterControl node:
UPDATE dcps.clusters SET token = '<CMON_TOKEN value>' WHERE cluster_id = 1;
Restart CMON service and try to access the UI again. If the problem still persists, I'd suggest you to generate an error report as described in this page: and create a support ticket so we can assist you better.
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