How to add an existing node to a cluster already in Cluster Control ?



  • Official comment
    Art van Scheppingen

    Hi Levieux,

    Adding a new node to an existing cluster is a pro/enterprise feature of ClusterControl.

    If you are using the community/standard license this feature is disabled. Which license are you on?

    See also for our product comparison table:

    Best regards,


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    levieux stephane

    Thanks for your asnwer.

    I have the communauty Edition, i thought add node was disabled only if we want use cluster control to install the new node.

    I thought we were able to add a already installed node . 

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    levieux stephane

    Should i  clean my cluster control server and make a new install of the communauty edition to have a complete view of my cluster ? For the moment i dont need to use Cluster Control to add and install nodes (Manage Options ?) , i just need monitoring. (Communauty edition ?) 



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    Indy Nagpal

    Hi. I'm trying out Cluster Control, and still have 25 days in trial (and before it turns into community edition). I can't see any place to add a new node to an existing cluster. Can someone please advise.


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    Ashraf Sharif

    Hi Indy,

    For MySQL Replication, there is a function called "Add Replication Slave" (under Actions menu), where you can use to add a new replication slave or an existing slave to an existing cluster.


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    Indy Nagpal

    Thanks Ashraf.

    That worked.

    On a side note... this means that the option that I checked when creating the cluster to 'Auto Discover Nodes" does not quite do what it says it does. I had expected the node to just show up, much like what Orchestrator does.

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    Ashraf Sharif

    Hi Indy,

    AFAIK, we don't have such option when importing the cluster into ClusterControl. What ClusterControl provides are "Enable information_schema Queries", "Enable Node AutoRecovery" and 
    "Enable Cluster AutoRecovery". The last two options tell ClusterControl to recover a node or cluster if they fail.


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    Indy Nagpal

    Thanks for clarifying that Ashraf. My mistake. I somehow read it as 'Auto Discovery' as opposed to 'Auto Recovery'.

    Give we are talking about a Cluster Control software, it would be good if it did 'Auto Discovery' as well -- time for me to log a feature request ;)

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    Francisco Andrade

    Hi Indy,

    You didn't read wrong. There is an "Auto Node Discovery" option when importing a new cluster.

    But I don't think that it works as it sounds.
    This option only auto-discover nodes during the Cluster creation.
    Any new node joining the cluster after the cluster is added to ClusterControl will have to be registered manually using the UI.

    Am I right Ashraf?

    Thank you.
    Francisco Andrade

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    Ashraf Sharif

    Hi Francisco Andrade,

    You are spot on. This option will only perform auto-discovery during deployment stage, where you only need to specify ONE Galera node and ClusterControl will discover the rest automatically. Once the cluster is added, you have to use 'Add Node' option under Cluster Menu to add a new node or an existing node (a node that has joined the cluster outside of ClusterControl).




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