good add-ons to Galera cluster



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    Art van Scheppingen

    Hi John,

    What exactly do you mean with add-ons for Galera? Do you mean other products to be used in conjunction with ClusterControl?

    Best regards,


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    john test

    Art yes just as CC is used for monitoring/management etc. are there any other tools that might with or without CC be useful/helpful to use with Galera.

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    Art van Scheppingen

    Most of the functionality needed for Galera is already covered in CC. We feature availability and performance monitoring, graphing, alerting, backups, load balancing (HAProxy and MaxScale), Galera Arbitrator (Garbd), configuration management and log management. There aren't many things we did not cover for Galera. 

    You can obviously use separate tools for each of these functionalities but that's the whole point of ClusterControl: it is an all inclusive package that combines them all.


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