Multiple data center + failure/recovery options



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    Suman Srinivasan

    Sorry one more question:

    3. Even after shutting down the data or MySQL nodes, I'm still able to connect to "mysql" on the ClusterControl and write and execute successful MySQL queries. Does that mean that ClusterControl has its own version/copy of MySQL that is handling the database queries and writing locally? How does that work?

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    Hi ,

    That is great to hear!


    1) Actually users have deployed Galera over multiple data centers, so it is possible but we havent written so much about how to do this really.

    2 and 3) Do you think it would be possible to setup a remote session and try to see what is going on, as recovery is built into the free version.

    You can send me an email to

    and we can schedule a time for this.

    Best regards


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    Suman Srinivasan

    OK, thanks! Actually I terminated those nodes - all these tests were run on EC2 instances - and I will doing a few more tests today. If I see this problem again, I'll definitely shoot you an e-mail. Thanks for the quick response!

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    One problem with EC2 is that sometimes when instances are rebooted they get another IP. That may cause a lot of problems and we cannot handle the IP/hostname change.

    Read more at 

    That's is why EC2 have ElasticIP. You can also try and use the Public DNS address of the instance when you enter hostname/ips in the Configurator, just set "Skip name resolve" to No. 


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    Suman Srinivasan

    Ah, that might explain it - I did a "stop and restart" which I assumed gave my back the same set of public/private IPs. Thanks for pointing this out.

    But it says that the private IP never changes - I thought that ClusterControl operated through the private IPs? 

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    Not sure what instance size you are using, but I have experienced this with the Micro instances. 

    Best regards,

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    Suman Srinivasan

    I was using an m1.large instance, but I was also testing on several AWS regions, and perhaps some of them behave differently from the others. I'll probably try this again sometime next week and test it by restarting the instance rather than a stop/start. Thanks a lot for your help and quick responses, really appreciate it!

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