Avoid 'service mysql <start|restart>' with Galera
If you e.g have changed a parameter in my.cnf, and subsequently do:
service mysql stop && service mysql start
service mysql restart
the Galera node in question, will not rejoin the Cluster immediately. It will be in state 'Initialized', but will after a while be recovered by ClusterControl.
A better, faster way, is to stop the node (service mysql stop), and then let ClusterControl recover it.
Also, check out the s9s-galera tool, that can be invoked from the command line and interfaces with ClusterControl, and allows you start/stop nodes, view status etc :
git clone git://github.com/severalnines/s9s-admin.git
cd s9s-admin/cluster/galera/
cat README.s9s_galera
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