Post install - Access rights to MySQL Cluster
After you have installed deployed MySQL Cluster you should add GRANTs so your applications and users can connect to the database cluster:
The easiest is if you do:
cd mysqlcluster-72/cluster/scripts/tools
or for rpm installs:
cd mysqlcluster-72-rpm/cluster/scripts/tools
and then do:
./ -uroot -p<the root password you have set> -e "< the grant you wish to set>'"
The '' script will set the GRANT on all started MySQL Servers that you have deployed.
./ -uroot -ppassword \
-e "grant select on *.* to 'johan'@'ip-10-150-115-208' identified by 'mypassword' "
This will give the SELECT privilege to user 'johan' coming from 'ip-10-150-115-208' using the password 'mypassword'.
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