User Management v2
I'm running a recent version of CC (1.9.7.x) but have missed the banner which handles the migration from the old User Management control to the new v2 scheme.
As a result, one of my instances is using the old e-mail address login and doesn't have the option for a username. In a nutshell, how can I access the old 'banner' which used to have a link to upgrade the user scheme?
Official comment
Hi Tim,
Can you clarify what do you mean that one of your instances is using the old-email address to login? Because the user is just to login to ClusterControl and not to your databases. Now, if you have new version of CC coming from old version, you can use this command to create a new user for you to login.
s9s user --create --controller="https://localhost:9501" --new-password replaceMyPassw0rd --group=admins --generate-key --first-name=ReplaceMyFirstName --last-name=ReplaceMyLastName --verbose --print-json replacemeasdesireduser
Then use this user to login to the new version of CC you have.
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