What happens when the license expired



  • Official comment
    Krzysztof Ksiazek


    Some of the functionality will become unavailable. If you cannot perform some tasks, you should clearly get a message that points towards the lack of license being the culprit.

    All services that you have deployed using ClusterControl, all database clusters, all loadbalancers, will continue to operate without any impact.

    If a feature requires license, there is no option to keep using it without said license.

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    Xia Sheng

    ok,thanks,i have another question:

     why i can't login on https://{ip}:9443/login(ClusterControl GUI v2 HTTPS)? ,but i can login http://{IP}:5000/clustercontro use the same account/password.(ClusterControl GUI v1 HTTP)

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    Krzysztof Ksiazek


    Can you please open a ticket with us? This will be the best way to deal with such issue. Please include your Apache configuration along as the Apache access and error logs from the ClusterControl instance.

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