Workaround for MariaDB 10.3 deployment failure on ClusterControl




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    Paul Namuag

    Just an update:


    MaiaDB 10.3.11 has already fixed this. So you'll notice that in /bin/galera_new_cluster, instead of "return", the "exit" function is now used.

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    Star Florist

    Very useful. Thanks for Sharing.

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    Blake Wyman

    The new update is pretty complete and I like it.

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    Lennon Ampere

    Thanks for sharing these detailed steps! It’s a solid workaround for deploying a 3-node MariaDB 10.3 Galera Cluster despite the current limitations with the known issue. Your method of letting ClusterControl handle each node’s installation individually, followed by manually editing the galera_new_cluster script, seems like an effective approach to bypass the issue until MariaDB resolves it. This will help others facing deployment challenges with ClusterControl to achieve a stable setup for their clusters, even if it requires a bit more manual input. Great work, and thanks for contributing to the community!

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