root@mysql-host-control:~# cat /etc/cmon.cnf #cmon config file # id and name of cluster that this cmon agent is monitoring. # Must be unique for each monitored cluster, like server-id in mysql cluster_id=1 name=wvnet_mysql_intern os=debian # skip_name_resolve = [0|1] - set 1 if you use ip addresses only everywhere skip_name_resolve=0 # mode = [controller|agent|dual] mode=controller type=galera mysql_basedir=/var/lib/mysql ## CMON DB config - mysql_password is for the 'cmon' user mysql_port=3306 mysql_hostname=mysql-host-control mysql_password=hidden ## Agent to local DB connection - local_mysql_password is for the 'cmon' user local_mysql_port=3306 local_mysql_password=hidden local_mysql_hostname=mysql-host-control #hostname is the hostname of the current host hostname=mysql-host-control # ndb_connectstring - comma-separated list of management servers: a:1186,b:1196 ndb_connectstring= ## The user that can SSH without password to the oter nodes os_user=root # location of Configurator script root, e.g /root/mysqlcluster-71/ cmon_core_dir=/root/mysqlcluster-71/ # location of file. The pidfile is written in /tmp/ by default pidfile=/var/run # logfile is default to syslog. logfile=/var/log/cmon.log # daemonize = 0, not daemoize = 1 nodaemon=0 # collection intervals (in seconds) db_stats_collection_interval=30 host_stats_collection_interval=30 # mysql servers in the cluster. "," or " " sep. list mysql_server_addresses=, # mgm and data nodes are only used to MySQL Cluster "," or " " sep. list datanode_addresses= mgmnode_addresses= ###### RRD SECTION - graphs ###### mysql_bindir=/usr/local/mysql/bin/ imagedir=/var/www/cmon/graphs/ rrdtool=/usr/local/bin/rrdtool rrd_datadir=/var/lib/cmon/ ###### END OF RRD SECTION - graphs ######